Sunday 24 May 2009

Road trip with Daddy Day 1

Day 1 of the trip. So far a delight! I've been jotting notes in my notebook the whole time. Tomorrow We are more than half way to Drumheller - Dinosaur land! We'll be in Alberta tomorrow!
Here is the trip so far!

We started off around 11am, and headed to Mums so mum and dad could visit, and the Trip just from Vancouver to Surrey was the worst part! HAHA! WE had the hardest time getting on the Patullo Bridge! ROAR. I hate that bridge.
Anyways, we were on our way. The views along the drive are absolutely stunning, and its awesome how the scenery changes as you travel into the interior more.
Planes twice flew down pretty close to us to land in a air strip beside the road HAHA!

There was a funny man in an old car with driving gloves and a hat LOL!

On the Freeway to Hope a Coyote ran so close to the van in front of us we almost killed it! His tail was bigger than his whole body HA! Gave us quite a scare.
Chillawack is Loaded with cows. We stopped in Hope at a gas station for the bathroom and more coke.
We were on the Freeway that is actually the old Carriboo Gold Rush trail. Its really Neat. Daddy told us a little story of taking his mum to Barkersville, which is a historic town that was left in its original state after the gold rush and now people dress up in Clothes of the time and its a tourist place. Anyways, sometime in the 60's I think, Dad took his mum there and they went into the little courthouse where they had pretend trials and pull people from the audience, and they pulled Dads mum and threw her in Jail and it too 20$ to release her HAHA!

There were some funny signs on the way:


There were many trees all dead and brown from being ravaged by pine beetles. It was a tragic sight for sure. Otherwise green hill sides only spotted with Green.

We went to Hells Gate... Yes its in Canada.

it's actually a big canyon with a tram. we didnt go on the tram, but we just played around there. I gathered some grasses to pres in my book for later use in encaustics.

There were a pile of dead alkaline likes that looked all icy at first but then you realize its poisonous scum madness.

There were a few little nasty cow farms mixed into the otherwise green and lush happy cow farms. see this, its almost torture for those cows to be stuck in these brown pens beside a huge lush green field.

There were many Ginseng farms as well. you can tell them from the black Mesh

Amazing Scenery :D

So we are now in Revelstoke, in the canyon Motor Inn :)

Its a nice little place with a kitchenette :D
Tomorrow, we are off again :D

Alarm set for 5:30AM :D


  1. Awesome!!! Great shots! wish I was there!

  2. God, beautiful shots, it makes me miss it so much. And man.. I remember that Dinotown sign XD
