Saturday 18 April 2009

New blog & interesting day

Well, I'm abandoning my Live journal. Its not as fun s blogger :p Plus I have my other blogs here anyways, it makes sense to contain them all. More people can follow here because next to everyone on earth has a google account to follow me :)

Today was interesting. Starting with last night, before we went home from work, we noticed this little calendar on the wall at work listing all the vacation time booked off by staff, and we noticed that we had the end of may booked. I didn't argue, but when we got home daddy was on skype, and he said he wanted to take us on a road trip to Alberta! He said, all expenses paid and no camping LOL! We'll finally be able to go to the Royal Tyrell dinosaur museum and see real dio country! We're also heading into Lethbridge. Awesome, I'm so excited.

This morning as we were waiting for the seabus, Kitty Squeed at something and when I looked up a huge bald eagle swooped into the docking bay, scooped up a black duck and swooshed away with a huge flock of seagulls screaming at him all the while! it was so amazing! Then Kitty phoned mum to tell her about it, and mum asked if we'd like to get a wii and play wii all day for our birthday instead of going out somewhere, since it's likely to be less fun weather on our birthday.


HAHA! so it's proven to be an interesting couple of days! LOL

Jammy called in sick today, the day was chaos that short staffed on a Saturday. so was the night before, when jam left sick. I hope she feels better, and she gets back to normal soon. She's been downtrodden and negative lately. Hopefully things will look up after she has some time off.

Yesterday also, there were Reps from Canson (paper company) in the store and they gave us this Schpiel about Papers and how they're better than everyone else - which in itself annoyed me, but I have to remember they're american, and in all cases in my experience when it comes to reps, the americans act like its a sale, and will down talk all other brands, while every other countries reps will let the product sell itself. The thing that annoyed me about these guys is, he's talking about the double sided print paper, and he says " and this ladies, when you get married, or (gestures to ann) if you already are is what you're photographer for your wedding album would use, and make you a nice book to display your beautiful photos, 2 sided"

Ann is not married, and about 90% of the staff of Opus care more about paint than marriage, but besides that, WTF? you're selling Canson Artists Paper TO ARTISTS!! hello, fucking KNOW your audience you retard. i was so annoyed at that very narrow minded comment, but also annoyed that he wasn't even giving us the credit of being artists. The other Rep that was with him chimed in about how it could make an awesome portfolio as well - he probably saw the raised eyebrows his partners comment recieved. But gawd, really It was amazing how he completely ruined that experience. He had an opportunity to make us really gung ho about thier papers and he just wasted it.

Oh well, I'm going to go watch some Little House on The prairie and then go to bed :)

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