Sunday, 17 January 2010

Eye ball Turmoil

So on Wednesday I flopped in bed, and something rocketed into my eyeball. it irritated so bad it made my eye swell, and a blister form on the surface of my eye.

The next day I ran to the optometrist right after work and he said I had a severe allergic reaction to whatever flew in my eye. so I cant wear contacts in that eye until my next appointment on Tuesday.

So I've not been able to animate at all this week. I've been trying to get drivers to make my Toonboom storyboard I paid good money for work on my computer. I meet and exceed all the minimum requirements but I still get a harsh brush lag. it's getting rather annoying for me :<

We're going to Fanfairfest in September, that's pretty exciting eh? we've got our table already and we're planning to have some fucking sweet merchandise. It's going to be a massive, and I mean MASSIVE convention so if you're the Con type, you might wanna make a trip ;)

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