Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Animal Crossing Gallery

I bet you are sick of animal Crossing, but its all I got :p
I just posted an album of all the photos Kitty and I take during our game play. They're so cute :)

If you want to play with us, out town is: Walnut.
My name is Ingalls, and Kitty's Name is Kitty
my code is 0904.0451.1406
Kitty's Code: 1419.4411.9321

animal crossing

So ya, We had a long week at work. It's hard being completely chipper all the time though. especially since I've been surprisingly bummed about Michael Jacksons Death. Every now and then I wanted to be like "okay, someone else wave the pompoms and make ME laugh!". Oh well. We finished the inventory count pretty early, so we had a long afternoon too.

I've got a few things going on, that I'll blog about in Animated Guru :)

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