Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Business Plans

You know, I'm fed up with working for people who don't appreciate my dedication and work. I'm always throwing myself into my jobs, dedicating so much passion and energy into supporting that company and my work to be completely under appreciated and never get anything from these jobs. No more! I'm going to shift that energy into my own work.
In Vancouver, Business licences expire every year on Dec 31. My goal is to be ready to get a business license, and purchase it on Jan 1 2012.

So our plans right now, are to work hard, get Hello, Albertosaurus, Daqueran, and BATP completed and out to the world so we can have stuff to sell. We'll make a couple art books as well, and some other misc merchandise... Attend lots of cons.
 I'm going to come up with a business plan so we have an outline of our goals. I'm going to run online classes and workshops to save up money to have a financial cushion as well as "business" money set aside to purchase products and stuff. We wont really have must start up cost or expense really, beyond living expenses. Most everything we do can be print on demand sort of things, or order online via places like IndyPlanet.

I expect that the first 6 months or so of official business life wont be profitable, but ideally I'd like to go down to part time at Opus in Mid 2012, and wean off of the safety job all together within a couple years.

The Classes I run I think are crucial to the saving. We simply don't make enough money to really save too much right now, But the classes go into my Paypal account so then it sits there and it takes forever to transfer out, so we don't bother to, LOL. Then the money is there to use to order product. LOL.

I've been looking for some information on Taxes etc as well and so far it seems like we'll not have to worry about that right away.

Anyway, Wish us good Luck. We'll Put Gurukitty Studios on the map :D

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